Zuma admits unions 'disagreements'
South African President Zuma risked the displeasure of one the nation's largest trade union federations (Cosatu) today when he supported the African National Congress' position banning unionization in the military. Zuma, who was heavily endorsed by Cosatu at their 2006 Congress, and who owes much of his electoral success to union backing, has been something of a disappointment to organized labor, as strikes have broken out all over South Africa. Still, Zuma also called for unity in his speech, asking the Congress to discuss their disagreements. The military union issue has been a contentious one recently, with Cosatu backing soldiers' right to organize, and Zuma and the ANC maintaining that soldiers must find an alternative way to improve their working lives.
See "Zuma admits unions 'disagreements'", BBC News Online, September 20, 2009