UK rail workers reject pay offer and plan more strikes during the holiday season to demand wages that meet the rising cost of living
In addition to the strikes planned throughout the month of December, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers declared on Monday that strike actions will continue through the Christmas holiday into late December. The union recently rejected a pay offer on Sunday and remains steadfast in its demands for a pay raise that will adequately meet the high cost of living in the UK. These strikes are expected to greatly disrupt transportation services in Britain; however, the union has stated that it is open to continuing labor talks with the rail companies to reach a fair agreement. The rail workers' demands are shared by many UK workers across various sectors, as there are other widespread strikes planned in December that may require military invention to mitigate disruptions.
See "UK rail workers reject pay offer and plan more strikes during the holiday season to demand wages that meet the rising cost of living ", Eamon Akil Farhat and Ellen Milligan , Bloomberg, December 5, 2022